April 16, 2024


Optimization of Lubrication in the Concrete Industry

Savings on parts and maintenance, while downtime is prevented and continuity of production is guaranteed.

Description of the Situation

In the production of prefabricated decorative paving, a large automatic steel brush, which keeps the molds clean, plays a crucial role in ensuring quality. However, contamination of the lubricant in the bearings by concrete particles can lead to the brush failing. In addition to steel brushes, the bearings of the cement screw conveyor are also heavily stressed. Many other moving parts, such as open gears, must also be regularly lubricated to prevent wear.

MarketConcrete Industry
Lubrication pointBearings of the brush tray, cement screw, and open lubrication points
Used productEurol Grease CS-103-S
Eurol Grease CS-2/502-S Spray
Article numberS005109
Product usageLubrication for maintenance and production efficiency

By using Eurol Grease CS-2/103-S for lubricating the bearings of the brush and the cement screw conveyor, the risk of downtime is greatly reduced. Additionally, the lifespan of the bearings will be extended. The use of refillable automatic lubrication systems on the bearings simplifies and ensures timely lubrication.

With Eurol Grease CS-2/502-S Spray, the open gears and other open lubrication points in the production process can be easily lubricated with just one lubricant. This grease remains effective despite the presence of a lot of dust, which greatly reduces the risk of downtime.

With all these measures, savings can be made on parts and maintenance while preventing downtime and ensuring production continuity.


Eric, head of technical services: "We are very satisfied with Eurol's lubricants. With just a few different products, we can keep our factory running smoothly. This saves us money, reduces the chance of errors, and offers convenience."